1914-1915 Academic Catalog

PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION. A pplicru1ts for admission to the first year of the P re– paratory Course must have completed work in the common branches of study equivalent to tbat usually completed in the first eight years of the public school, and will be ex– amined in reading, geography, United States history, physi– ology, penmanship, drawing, orthography, arithmetic and English grammar. A Patterson certificate or satisiactory grades from public schools will excuse an applicant from examination in all subjects except English grammar. In English gram– mar, an examination based on Reed and Kellogg's H igher English must be taken by all 3pplicants for admission to the P reparatory Department. 'rhose failing to obtain a grade of sixty-five per centnm in this examination will be admitted, but required to take a review course in Eng1isb grammar throughout the fi rst year. Applicants for admission to any class above the first preparatory class shall, in addition to meeting the above requirements for admission, either p resent satisfactory grades or certificates, or pass examinations in all subjecte already pursued by the class which they desire to enter. REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION. Upon the completion of the .following courses of study. a diploma of graduntion will be ronfcrrcd. At the begin– ning of the third year the student elects either F rench, Ger- 30