1914-1915 Academic Catalog
PltEPAltATOltY COUBSES. man, or Greek, which he then plll·sucs throughout, the remainder of the course. Each candidate for a diploma must also write and publicly deliver an oration of at least eight hundred words upon some subject approved by the Ii,aeulty. 'J~he subject must be submitted on or before F eb– ruary the first preceding graduation, and a copy of the oration on or before l\foy the first FIRST YEAR, FIRST SEMESTER. Hours per week Latin-Beginning . J,fathematics-Elementary Algebra . ~nglish-Elementary R hetoric . Science-Physical Geography . FIRST YEAR, SECOND SEMESTER. Latin- Beginning . Mathematics-Elementary Algebra. English-Elementary R hetol·ic . Science-Physiology SECOND YEAR, FIRST SEMESTER. Latin-Ncpos and Composition . Mathematics-Higher Algebra . English-Classics . History-Ancient . SECOND YEAR, SECOND SEMESTER. J.1atin-Caesar and Composition . Mathematics- Plrurn Geometry . English-Classics . History- Medieval and Modern ... 31
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