1914-1915 Academic Catalog
couns~:s 1N amLE who have not takou the course us a pal't or the required work in Riblr. Three hours a week, first semester. 9. NF,W TESTAM ENT-1'hc life of Christ, and the propaga– tion of the Ool'lpel arc studied. The text-books aro the Bible and Stcl'lc's Outlines. 1::Je<'tivc for all who base not taken the counie as a part of the rr<1uirNl wol'k in Bible. Three hours a week, second semester. 10. BJ"BLE HJS'l'ORY-'l'hc p\irposc of this study is to enable students of the Bible to grasp the whole course of history which it contains both in its outlinc!l ancl in its details and to indicate and apply the great lessons which the history teaches. The text-books are the Bible and Blaikie's ?.fauna\ of Bible History. Elccti"e for all who have not taken tho course as a part of tho required work in Bible. Three hours a week, first semester. 11. TilF. PSALMS-A study of the Psalms is made from the critical, historical, literary, ethical and religious standpoints. The text-book is tho New Cent\1ry Bible. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the rc<111ired wol'k in Bible. Three hours a week, one semester. 12. LJFE OF CJ:lR]ST-This course aims at a clear intel– le<'tual conception and as full as possible appreciation of the life, mi11sion, work and teachings of Jesus Christ. The text-books are tho StC\'Cn and Burto11 's JTarmony of the Gospels and Stalker '11 Life or ,Jesus Christ. Elective for all who ha\'e uot taken tho course as a part of the required work in Bible. Three. hour,i a week, second aemestcl'. 13. LlFE OF PAUL-The sobjccts treated in this course are: the events of Paul's life; bis on,·ironment and the i11fluc11ccs affect– ing him; the contents of his writings; his couceptio11 of Christian– ity; his in!lucnec in tbe church. The text-book is Gilbert's Life of Panl. :Elective for all who ha\'e not taken the eoursc as a part of the required work in Bible. Three hours a week, 0110 semester. 14. RIBT.,lCAL OEOORAPJIY-This course i11ch1dcs a S\1rvey of :ill Biblil'al lau<ls, a study of the 1>hysil'al features of Palestine and their effect upon its civilization, ancl of the places important in Biblical history. ]n connection with the geography of tho land t.he uarrativo of the patriarchs, kings, prophets, apostles and the life of Christ arc studied. The text-book is Smith's Historical 36
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