1914-1915 Academic Catalog

counsi,:s l!'i n101.0GY CJeograpby of the Holy Land. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in Bible. Three houre a week, one semester. 15. BJBLICAL L ITERATURE-This course takes up tho stu<ly of the Bible from tho literary !!taudpoiut. 'l'bc Bible itself and Moulton 's Short l ntroductiou to the Liternturc of tho Bible are the text-books. Elective for all who have not taken tho course as a part of the required work in Bible. 'rhrco hours a week, one 11e111ester. 16. BIBLICAL AUCHAEOLOGY-The testimony of tho mon– uments of tho past to the truth of the Hebrew Scriptures is made the subject of this study. Tho text·book is Price 's Tho Monuments and the Old Testament. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in Bible. Three hours a week, one semester. 17. BIBLE MANNERS AND CUS'fOMS-This course in– cludes a study of the manners and customs of Bible lands with constant reference to tho Bible itself. The text-book is Rice's Orientalisms in Bible Lands. Elective for all who havo not taken the course as a part of the required work in Bible. Three hours a week, one semester. 18. BIBLICAL SOCIOLOGY-Tho contribution of tho Bible to tho solution of social problems, such as wealth, poverty, land, w&r, labor, capita l, civie corruption, citizenship, crime, race prob– lems, and child labor. Special emphasis is placed on tho social teachings of Jesus. Elective for all who have not taken the course a.a a part of the required work in Bible. Three hours a week, 0110 semester. BIOLOGY. PROFESSOR LANNING. 19. PHYSIOLOGY-In this course the elements of anatomy, physiology, and hygiene arc presented. The text-book is Hough a nd Sedgewick 's Human Mechanism. Uequirecl in the first year of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a week, seeond semester. 20. BOTANY-This course includes a study of the various plant groups and of the organs and t issues and physiology of plants. 37