1914-1915 Academic Catalog

COURSES IN CHEMISTllY Laboratory and field work is required. The text-book is Gray '11. Required in the fourth year of the Preparatory Coun1c. Fi"c hours a week, second semester. 21. GENERAL BlOLOGY-The work of this course consists of a general sur"oy of organic life, plant and animal, from the standpoint of morphology, physiology, and de"elopmcnt. The text• book is Parker's. Ell'ctive for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in science. Three hours a week, throughout the year, with three additional hours of laborator.v work. CHEMISTRY. PIIOFESSOR J.Al'i'NING. 22. GENERAL CHEMJSTRY- Tho course forms an introduc– tion to the scieuce, consisting of a stutly of the various elements and their compounds as to their occurrence, preparation, properties, and use. Tho text-book is :McPherson and Henderson 's. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in science. Three hours a week throughout the year, with three additional hour11 of laboratory work. 23. QUALJTATIV.E ANAL,YSlS-This course consists or a study of metals antl aci<l>J and the tests for each, followed by practical work on i:mlts, alloys, and other eommou substances. The text-book is Noyes ' Qualitative Annlysis. E lective. Open to all wlio ha\"O completed General Chemistry. Three hours a week throughout the year. 24. QUANTl'fA'.l'JVE ANA LYSJS-TJ1is course consists of the principles of gravimetric a1Hl ,·olumotric analysis, with prac– tical work in ores, limcstoue, fertilizers, and technical products. The text-book is Poulk's Quantitati,·e Aunlysis. Eleeth·c. Open to all who ha'"c completed Qualitatiw• Analysi>J. Thrc(' hours a week throughout the year. 25. ADVANCED l NORGANJC Clll•:~IISTRY AND CHEMI– CAL PHILOSOPHY-This course i!! especially rc<'ommcuclcd to those who expect to teach chemistry. 'J'he text-book is Nowth '11 Inorganic Chemistry. Bennett 's Laboratory Manual is \1scd. t,;Jce- 38