1914-1915 Academic Catalog

DO~IESTIC scn:xc►;, lHIAWING, ►:COXO.\IICS tivo. Open to all who have complctecl General Chemistry. Three hours a week throughout the year, with three additioual hours of laboratory work. 26. HOUSEHOLD CH El\lJS'l'HY-'fh is course is devoted to tho analysis of foods, including the detc1•tion of adulterations and preservatives, the determination of the purity of soda, baking powder, ancl cream of tartar, the analysis of milk and milk products, the a nalysis of food-stuffs to determine the nutriti,·e value; the examination of tea, coffee, cocoa, sugar, flavoring extracts, jellies, candy, ice cream. The te::<t•Look is Blauchanl 's Household Chem• istry for Girls. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year, with three additional hours of laboratory work. DOMESTIC SCIENCE. MISS MOUTON. 27. ELECTIVJ,; D01\l ESTlC SCJJ,;r'\·CF:-1,;1ecti,·c work in do· mestic science to the amount of eight credits will be counted towa rds the degree of Bachelor of Arti;.. Ono lesson a week for one semester constitutes the work rnquired for one credit. Students electing domestic science must pay the usual fees for lessous in domestic science in addition to their regular collegiate tuition fees. See the DeJ)artment of Domestic Science for the 1mture of thCl work offered. DRAWING. PRO}'ESSOH l,A:-.r-.11'G. 28. MECHANJCAL-l\recbanical Drawing and Descriptive Geometry comprise the work. lnstruction is largely individual. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. ECONOMICS. rnor•;sson ,\L1.•;1". 29. PRJNCIPLE:S OF ECONOMJCS-Prodnction, oxehange, distribution, ancl cousumption are taken up, and such subjects as labor, capital, association, money, credit, commerce, collectivism, co-operation, wages, interest, ancl profits are carefully considered. Tho te:l[t-book is Gide's. Elective for all who have not takeu the course as a part of the required work in soeial science. Three hours a week, one semester. 39