1914-1915 Academic Catalog

COURSES tN ECONOAUCS 30. PRACTICAL ECONOMICS-Economic principles aro re– viewed with special reference to practical affairs and problems. The text-book is Ely's Outlines of Economics. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in social science. Three hours a week, one semester. 31. TRUSTS AND MONOPOLlES-The theory of monopoly and the practical operation and economic effects of trusts are made the 1rnbjccts of investigation. The text-books are Ely's Monopolies and Trusts and Jenk's 'frust Problem. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in social scienef', Three hours a week, one semester. 32. LABOR PRORLEl\C8-Trades unions, employers' associa– tions, strikes, arbitration, child labor, and similar topics are con– sidered. The text-book is Adams and Sumner's. Elective for :1.ll who have not taken the course us a part of the required work in social scicucc. 'J'hree hours a week, one semester. 33. ECONOMlC HISTORY OF TTIE UNITED STATES-This course describes the economic e\·olution of the United States from. the agricultural stage iu colonial times to the highly complex in• dustrial society of the present time. The text-book is Bogart's. Elective for all who have not tnkeu tho course as a part of the required work in social scieuce. Three hours a we('k, one semester. 34. JNDUSTRTAL HlSTORY 01<~ ENGLAND-This coun1e eousists of a study of the evolution of industrial forms, espccinlly of villeinage, gilds, domestic mauufncture, the factory system, capitnlist farming, and modern commerce. The text-book is Chey– ney's. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in social science. Throe hours a week, one semester. 35. CONSEJ?VATJON O.F RESOURCES-This course involvee a con>:1i1leratio11 of the wastes involved in the exploitation of forests, mineral resources, soil and water power, and the means proposed for scientific conservation. 'l'he text-book is Vnn Hiso's. Elective for all who have uot takcu tho course as a part of the required work iu social s<:ie11ce. Three hours a week, one semester. 36. RA"! r..,WA Y TRANSPOR1'ATION-The topics studied a.re the geueral principles of railway tra11sportatio11, the history of 40