1914-1915 Academic Catalog
COURSES IN EDUCATION A.meriean railroads, the development of organization, management, consolidations, and control, railway finance and rate making, state and federal legislation, and the Interstate Commerce Commission. The text-book is Johnson 1 s American Railway Transportation. Elective for all who ba\'0 not taken the course as a part of the re– quired work in social science. 'l'hree hours a week, oue semester. EDUCATION. PROi,'ESSOR AT,LE:\'. 37. HJSTOR.Y OF EDUCATION-The educational systems and ideals of Oriental and classical nations, of medieval Europe and of modern times arc considered in their bearings on present prob– lems. The text-book is Painter's. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 38. PRINCIPLES OF PEDAGOGY-The fundamc11tal princi– ples of pedagogy are explained and illustrated ancl applied in a practical way to the various problems of class-room instruction. The text-books are McMmry's General Method and Method of the Recitation. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 39. SCHOOL MANAGEMENT-The art of teaching and school government and discipline, with tho practical application of principles and concrete illustration, are the subjects studied. The text-books are White's Art of Teaching and School Management. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 40. SCHOOL SUPBRVIS.I.ON- 'l.'his course is intended pri• warily for those prepariug for posit.ions as superiutendents or principals, but will be helpful to all teachers and to all citizeus in giving them a clear undcrstandiug of our public school system. It treats of school admiuistration and supervision. The text-book is Chancellor's Our Schools. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 41. SCHOOL LAW AND READING CIRCLE 'fEXT-BOOK– A study of the school laws of the State of Ohio is followed by a thorough mastery of the required Reading Circle Text-Book in pedagogy. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 42. SECONDARY EDUCATION-'fhis course embraces a con– sideration of the studies, processes of instruction, and processes of 41
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