1914-1915 Academic Catalog

COUIISES IS !,;/\GLISH training in se<'ondary schools. The text·book il! DeGarmo '11 Prinei· pies of Seeondary Edueation, 3 volumes. Electh·e. Three hourl! a week, oue semcl!ter. 43. 'T'HE AMERICAN HIGFI SCHOOL-This course embraces a study of the history, function, curric\1lum, organization, manage• ment, go,•erument, material equipment, principals, teachers, pupils, class exercises, social life, problems, and relation to the community of the high school. The text-book is Brown's American High School. Ele<'th·e. Three hours a wef>k, one semester. 44. THE A"MERJCAN RURAL SCHOOL-'f his course con• siders tho characteristics, problem, and future of the rural school. The text-book is Foght 1 s American Rural School. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 45. COMPARATJVE EDUCATION-Thilj course consists of a comparative study of the school systems of England, France, Ger• many, and othn countries. Various tC'xt-books are used. .Eleetivr. Three hours a week, one semester. 46. PRINCIPLES OP EDl;CA'fJON-111 this course a seieritif– ic study of education is made from the biological and psychologic– al points of view with the purpose of discovering underlying principles that may contribute to 1he solution of the everyday problems of the teacher and the parent. The text-book is Bolton 's. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. ENGLISH. PltO~·t:ssons IIITCUit: ,\/'>I) Cl(l,;SWEI.I., 4i. GHAMMAR-The Uiagram, analysis, punctuation, trans– position, abridging of sentencl!a, iuflcctions, composition, with 11ug– gestions as to methods of preseuting the subject of lauguage, con– stitute the work. 'fhc text-book i1:1 Rce1l and Kellogg's. E lective in the Teachers' Course. Three hour;i a week throughout the year. 48. UHl•:TOHIC--Thc fundamental principles of rhetoric, sup· plementod by English classics, arc studied. 'file text-book h1 Brubaker and Snyder 's. Ucquirod in tho first year of tho Prepara– tory Course. F ive hours a week throughout the year. 42