1914-1915 Academic Catalog

COUIISES IN ENGl,ISlt 49. LITERATURE-The classics prescribed by the committee of colleges and secondary schools are 8tn<lied. Recpiircd in the 11eco11d year of the Preparatory Cours~. Five hours a week through• out the year. 50. HISTORY OF ENGLJSH LITE:R-A'l'URE-Cbaucer, Bacon, Shakespeare, :Milton, Dryden, Addison, Pope, Burns, Gold– smith, Johnson, Scott, Byron, 'Wordsworth and Tennyson are studied. The text-book is Painter's. Required in the third year of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a week, first semester. 51. IlJSTORY OF AMEU1CAN LITERATUR8-Americau authors will form the basis of this course. The text-book is Painter's. Required in the thir<l year of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a week, second semester. 52. RHETORIC-Exprc<:1siou of simple, fluent, aud forcible English is taught. Composition, style, figures, and thought are the main subjects. Geuung's PJ"actical Elements and Handbook are the text-books. Required of all candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Al'ts. Three hours a week, first semester. 53. RHETORIC-Essays, <lebatcs, and continuation of text• book study. Gcnuug's Practical Elements and Handbook are the text-books. Required of all candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Three hours a week, second semester. 54. ENGLISH POETRY-This C'oursc includes a study of verse structure aud au analysis of selected poems; also a critical study of the early nineteeutb century poets, Coleridge, Scott, Byron, Shelley, Keats. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work iu English. Three hours a week, one semester. 55. SHAKESPEAR.E-A careful study and analysis is made of some of Shakespeare's tragedies and comedies. Others arc read rapidly. Writteu critiques are required. Elective for all who have not takeu the course as a part of the required work in Euglish. Three hours a week, one semester. 56. THE ESSAY--Selectc<l essays of Ruskin, Emerson, and others arc made the basis of the course. Collateral reading is re– quired of each student and oral reports are given in class. Elective 43