1914-1915 Academic Catalog
COUllSES I!\' ~;NGl,1S11 for all who ha,•e not taken the course as a part of the roquirerl work in Euglish. Three hours a week, one semester. 57. THE NOVEL-The development of the novel from ii.ti earliest form to that of the modern short story is traced. Each student is req11ire<l to <lo a certain amount of collateral reading anrl prepare written reviews and criticisms. The text-book is Cross' Development of the "English Novel. F.leetive £or all who have not taken the course as a p:u-t of the required work in English. Three hours a week, one semester. 58. SHORT STORY WRITING-A careful st\Hly is made of the structure of the short story and much attention gh•en to the clctails of composition and to literary Pxcellencc. The text-book is Barrett's Short Stor:r Writii1g. F.lectivo for all who have not taken tho course as a part of the required work in English. Three hours a week, 011e semester. 59. AMERICAN POETRY-A survey is taken of the mo@t characteristic works of Bryant, Poe, Emerson, Longfellow, Whit• tier, Ilolmes, Lowell, ,vhitman, Lanier, and Riley. E lective tor all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work iu English. Three hours a week, 0110 semester. 60. WORDSWORTH, BROWNJ NG, TENNYSON-This course includes a critical study of a frw selections from eaeh poet and the rapid reading of others. E lective for all who have not taken the course as part of tho requirecl work in 1;:nglish. Three hours a week. one semester. 61. ENOLlS.H MASTEHP.IECES--This course is intended to develop a sy111pathetie appreciation of literature through the st11dy of chosen masterpieces. .Blccth·e for all who ha,·e not taken the course as a part of the require,! work in English. 't'bree hour!! a week, one semester. 62. S'rUDY OF WORDS-The aim in this eonrse is to give tho student a practical understaniling of the principlc1:1 go,·erning the initial usage :rnd subsequent modification in the meaning of words. Tho text•book is Greenough and Kittredge 's ,vords and Their Ways in E nglit:1h Speech. Ele<>tive for ull who h:wc not taken the <>ourM? as :1 part of the requi1·e<l work in English. Three hours a week, one semester. ••
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