1914-1915 Academic Catalog
FRENCH. PHOFESSOII CrtEsw•:1,1,. 6J. BEOINNJNO-Orammar, eomposition, and <.-onstant drill in syntax, with colloquial practice and some easy reading, eonsti– tute the work. 'J'hc text-books ar(' Aldrich and Poster's Blemen– tary French and Le Chien de Brisquct. Eledh·C' in the thircl year of the Preparatory Course an•\ for eollcg iate stml<'nt,i who hasc not presented French as an entranec rcqu1,·<'meut. Fin, houn1 a week t hroughout the year. 64, R l~ADI NG AND co~v1-:nSA'rlON-R('a1ling and collo– quial practice, with re\·icw of grammar, <'Onstitute th<' work of the course. The text-books are About's Mere de la 1\farquis(', LaLidw's La Grammaire aud Comfort 's Exercises in Fn'twh Prosr Composi– tion. Required in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course of those who ha,·c elected }~reneh in thC' thiril year. J,:Jeetivr for col• legiate students who have eomplctcd BC'ginnin~ Frt:>1H·h. 1-'ivc hour!\ a week, one semester. 65. READJNO AND COMPOSl TTON-Reading and eomposi– tion are continued. 'fhc text-books ar<' Feval 's La Fee dC's Gre,·e", Pailleron's Le ~londe ou l'ou s'ennuie, antl Comfort's Frco<·h Prose Composition. Required in the fourth year of the Prnparatory Course of those who have C'lected F'rc1wh in the third yC':n. l~IC't'· tivo for <·ollegiate students who ha.Ye eompletC'tl R<'ginniug Freneh. Five hours a week, seeond semester. 66. ANTHOLOGY OF FRENCH PROSE ANO POJ<;TRY– Vreeland a nd Nichau(l arc tho authors studied. 'EIC'rtive. Open to a ll who have bad two years of ]t'rcnrh. 'rhrcc hour,; a WC'C'k, on<> semester. 67. FRENCH PROSJ<J 01'~ 'l'JIE N1Nf:Tl•:J,:N1'H CF.NTUJl.Y– The works of George Sand, Bab:ae, Daudet, ½olu, and others art> road. l~leetivc. Open to all who have hacl two yeur,i of PrC'rac-h. Three hours a week throughout the year. · 68. FRENCH PROSE OF THI~ F.:lOllTl::E'.\'TJ-1 Cl·:NTU!tY– Selections from Voltairn a nd Rousseau are read. r~Jeetive. Open to all who have had two years of F rench. Thre<> hours a week, one semester. 45
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