1914-1915 Academic Catalog

couns•:s JN GEOGRAPHY, Gt:0L0GY, GEIOL,\ N 69. EARLTER PROSE OF TH I-:: NlNETEENTH CENTURY– Selections are read from the works of Chateaubriand and Victor Hugo. Electh·e. Open to all wbo have had two years of French. Three hours a week, one semester. 70. ¥.R.t-..:NCH POETRY-The work of this course consists of a careful stu1ly of typical l~rench lyrics. Elective. Open to all who have had two years of French. Three hours a week, one semester. GEOGRAPHY. PRo~·t:sS0II LAN:-.ING. 71. DESCR1PT1VE-A thorough review of descriptive and political geography 1s accompanied by suggestions as to the proper methods of presenting the subject. The text-book is Tarr and Mc• Murry's. Elective in tho Teachers' Review Course. Three hours a week, one semester. 72. PH YSl CAL-A clear presentation of the elements of physical geography in recitations and informal, iucidoutal lectures, is tho aim of this course. The text-book is Gilbert and Brigham's. Required in the first year of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a week, first semester. GEOLOGY. l'lt0)'ESS0ll JLiltKAT. 73. GENERAL GEOLOGY-This course takes up the different phases of the science as presented in cl~•1rnmie geology with their application to historical geology. .Field work is required. The text-book is Norton's. Electh·o. Three hours a week, one semester. GERMAN. l'H0n:sso11s JUUI\AT AND IUTCHIK 74. BEG INNING-Constant drill in inflection nnd syntax is given, a11d both oral and written work required. The text-book is Collar's. Elective in the third year of the Preparatory Course and for collegiate students who lun-e not presented Oor111nu as an en• trance requirement. Five hours n week throughout the yenr. 75. READfNO AND COMPOSITION-Tho work consists of easy stories and constant drill in composition and syntax. The text-book is Lange's Method. Required iu the fourth year of the 46