1914-1915 Academic Catalog

P reparatory Course of those who have elected German in the thil-1! year. E lective for collegiate students who have complet<'<l Bei:tin– ning German. Five hours a week, one semester. 76. WILHELM T ELL-The course offers 1lrill i11 poetry and study of the German drama. The text-book is LamhNt's. RP– quired in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course of those whn have eleeted Germa n in the third year. F.lePth·e for collegiate students who ha,·e completed Rcginniug German. F'h·p hours a week, one semester. 77. SCH ILLER- Maria Stuart is rea,I, with n.•d('w of gram– mar an<l history. The text-book is Dec-ring's. l·~lettin,. Open to all who ha,·e bad two years of Germ:111. Threl' hours a week, Olll' semester. 78. HKJ N r::-Ffarzricsc and poems arc rca,t, with a study of polit ics aud society. T he text-book is Orc~or 's. 1::1ect.i\"C. Opeu to all who have had two years of German. Three hours a w('ek. one semester. 79. SCJENTIFJC Gl~RMAN-This is inte1ulc•I cspceiall_v for those about to pursue professional eourscs. P,lective. Open t.o all who have hacl two years of German. Three hours a week, on(' semester. 80. HISTORY OF GERMAN L IT ERAT UR E-This cours(' consists of a brief survey of German literatur(', with selections for translation. E lective. Open to all who ha\"(' had two .YeRrs of German. Three hours a week, one semester. 81. NI NETEENTH CENTURY GERMAN-Selel.'tious, prose and poetry, from 11ineteenth <'CJ1tury writers arc studied. Eledive. Open to all who have had two years of G<'rman. Three hours a week, throughout tho year. 82. GOETHE- Faust is read with a study of its philosophy and philology. The text-book is Tbo!llUs '. E lective. Open to all who have bad two years of Germau. Three hours a week, through– out the year. "