1914-1915 Academic Catalog

COURSES IN HEBREW AND IllSTORY go. AESCHYLUS-PromC'theus Bound is read. Elective. Open to all who have had two years of Greek. Three hours a week, one acmester. 91. SOPHOCLES-Oedipus Tyrannus is read. Elective. Open to a.11 who have had two years of Greek. Three hours a week, one aemester. 92. DEMOSTHENES-The Oration on tho Crown is studied. Oratory, rhetoric, and argumentation are leading themes. Elective. Open to all who have bad two years of Greek. Three hours a w<>ek, throughout the year. HEBREW. PROFESSOR JURKA.T. 93. BEGTNNlNG-A thorough drill is gl\·cn iu etymology, syntax, and paradjgms. The text-book is Harpcr 1 s Tnductive Method. Elective. Three hours a week, first semester. 91. GENESTS-Grammatical drill is continued. Parts of Genesis arc read. The text-book is Jfarper's Jndueti\"e Met.hod. Elective. Three hours a week, !!econd semester. HISTORY l'UOFESSOR JUllK,\T. 05. ANCIENT- The work conSists of a thorough drill in the lea.ding facts and instruction in mcthorls of studying history. The text-books arc Myers' anrl Ledbctter's. Required in the second year of the Preparatory Cour11C'. Pive hours a week, first semester. 06. MEDJEVAL AND MODl'.!RN-Text-book study is supple• wonted by collateral reading. The text-books arc Myers' and Led· bettor's. Required in the second yenr of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a week, second semester. 97. ANClENT-Ancient history is studied, closing wit.h Char• lomagno. The text-book is ,vest's, with collateral reading. Elec– tive for all who ha\·e not taken the course as a part of tho required work in history. Three hours a week throughout tho year. 98. MODERN-Modern history is pursued with especial em– phasis oo the Proncb Ilcvolutiou. The text-hook is Robinson '11,