1914-1915 Academic Catalog
couns~:s IN LATIN with collateral reading. Elective for nil who have not taken the course as a part of the required work iu history. Three hours a week throughout the year. 99. COLONIAL-Colonial history to the French and Jndian ,var is studied. The text-book is Fisher's Colonial Era. Elective for all wJw have not taken the course as n part of the required work in history. Three hours a week, one semester. 100. REVOLUTlONARY-Tbis course completes the French and Indian \Var and the American Revolution. The text-book is Sloane's French \Var and American nc,·olution. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in history. Three hours a week, one semester. 101. NATTONAL--The formation of the American Union and the history of the nation to Monroe's administration is studied. The text-book is \Va\ker's Making of the Nation. Eleeti,·e for all who have not taken the course as a. pa.rt of the requir(>d work in history. 'l'hrcc hours a week, one semester. 102. MlDDLF. PERIOD-The period from Monroe's adminis– tration to the Civil War is sh1died. The text-book is Burgess '11 Middle Period. Electh·e for all who h:we uot taken the course as a part of the required work in histor)'. Three hours a week, oue semester. 103. GE:OGRAPHIC-'rhc bearing of geography on nation– ality is studied. The text-book is Brigham's Geographic fnfluenees ou American History. Electi\'e for all who have not t.akcn the course as a part of the re(juired work in history. Thr('e hours a week, one semester. 10-1. UNITED STATES-A com1>reheusi.-c~ re\"iew is taken of American history. The text-book is Montgomery's. Elective in the Teacher's Course. Three hours a week, one semester. LATIN. 1·11on:ssons ALl,EN AXD Cll}'.SWEI.L. 105. BEOINNTNO-Tbc course embraces pronunciatiou, para– digms, rules, translation of exercises, an<l the reading of short stories. The text-book is Pearson's F.sseutials. Required in the first year of the Preparatory Course. Fh·e hours a week through· 011t the year. ..
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