1914-1915 Academic Catalog
COUIISES IN MATHEMATICS practical a11d inspiring suggestions for oratorical training. The text-book is Frieze's. Elective. 'rhrcc hours a week, one semester. 115. HORACE-Copious selcetious from the Odes, Satiree, and Epistles are made the basis for a study of Latin poetry. The text-book is Chase a11d Stuart's. Elective. Three hours a weell, one semester. 116. TACITUS--The Life of Agricola, with its moral and civic lessons, the history of Britain under the Romans, and the history of Germany are the subjects of study. The text-book i11 Allen's. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 117. JUV.F]NAL-The origin, clevelopmc11t, and purpose of the satire, and the morals and customs of the Romans under the Em– pire are studied. The text-book is Lindsay's. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 118. PLAUTUS-The Captid and Triunmmus arc read. Tht?" text-book is ?![orris'. F.leeth·e. Three hours a week, oue semester. 119. TERENCE-The Phormio is read. The text-book is Bond and Walpole's. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 120. PLINY-Selected letters are read. The text-book is Mer rill's. P reston and Dodge's Private Life of the Romans is studied. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 121. LATIN LlTERATURE--A brief sun·cy is made of Latin literature, selections being rea.(l from many authors. The text-book is Peck and Arrowsmith 's Roman Life in Latin Prose nod Vene. Elective. Throe hours a week, one semester. MATHEMATICS. 122. ARlTHMETTC-A systcmatie <-ourse is glve11 in gener11.l and practieal principles, with suggestious as to the proper presenta– tion of the subject. The text-book is V{hite's Complete Arithmetic. Elective in the Teachers' Course. 'fhree hours a week throughout tho year. 123. ALGEBR.A-This course is for beginners. The text ie \'Ventworth 's E lmentary Algebra. Required iu the first year of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a week throughout the year. 52
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