1914-1915 Academic Catalog
COURSES IN ltATl!Jo;MATICS 124. ALGEBRA-'l'his course is advanced work, begi nning ~ith quadratics and completing Wentworth 's Elementary Algebra. Required in the second year of tho Preparatory Course. Five hours a week, first semester. 125. GEOMETRY-Plane Geometry, giving work in theorems and original exercises, is begun. The text-book is ,ventworth 's. Required in the second year of the Preparatory Course. Fi\·c hours a week, second semester. 126. OEOl\IETRY-Planc Geometry is completed, and Solid Geometry taken up and finished. The text-book is ,vcntworth's. Required in tho third year of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a week throughout tho year. 127. ALGEBRA-This is an advanced course in algebra, in which the chief topics arc progressions, permutations and combina– tions, probability, complex numbers, theory of equations, deter– minants and infinite series. 'rho text-book is ,ventwortl1 's. Elec– tive for all who have not taken the course as a. part of the require,\ work in mathematics. Three hours a week, one semester. An additional conference hour may be required. 128. TRTGONOMF.:'fRY-Trigonometric functiom, arC" studie(\ with respect to their relation to the solution of the triangle, both piano and spherical. Practical problems are given; also problems in surveying, navigation, and astronomy. The text-book is Went– worth's. Elective for all who have not taken the rourse as a part of the required work in rnathcmati('S. Three hours a week, 011(' semester. An adclitional conference hour may be required. 129. SURVEYING-M.uch time is gh·en to field work, inYolv• ing the nse of chain, compass, transit, :incl level. Systematil' and accurate fiolcl notes are required. Elective for all who ba,·e not taken the course as a part of the required work iu mathematics. Three hours a week, one semester. An additional conferen<'C" hour may be required. 130. ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY-Rertilinear and polar co– ordinates, with their applications to the point, line, circle, conic sections, and higher planes are studied. The text-book is Smith and Gale 's Elements. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. An additional conference hour may be required. 53
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