1914-1915 Academic Catalog

couns t:S IN onATOnY AND 1'1111.0SOl'IIY ORATORY. l'llOn:sson ;\lcCIIESt-EY. 137. PR.JNCIP[,ES OF P UBT,lC SPl;;AT<ING-This course iu• ludcs: the fundamentals or effective speaking, study and practice of tho principles of breathing, voice-production, <.'nunciation, and action; delivery of extraets from the "ork9 of writers and spenkera. The te.itt-book i9 Philips'. E lective for all who ha,·e not taken th<' course as a part of the required work in oratory. Thr<.'e hours a week, first semester. 1'38. ORA.TORY-In this <'Onrse th<' distin"tive characteristics of oratorical style arc stu1licd; th(' masterpieces of representative orators are analyzed and the principl<'s thus ,lis<'o,·erNl are applied in the writing and delivery of original orations. The tex:t-book is Philips'. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work iu oratorr. Three hours a week, second sc• mester. 139. ELECT!Vf'. ORATORY-Elective work in private les– sons in oratory to the amount of eight credits will be eounted to– wards the degree of Bachelor of Arts. One lesson a week for one semester constitutes the ·work required for one credit. Students taking private lessons must pay the usual fees for lessons in oratory in addition to their regular eollcginto tuition fees. Sec the Department of Oratory for the uature of the work offered. PHILOSOPHY. rnon:sson McCUES~EY. 140. lNTlWDUCT"ION TO PHILOSOPHY-Tho purpose of this course is to ex:-plaiu the nature of philosophical thought, to give a general view of the main problems of philosophy and of the more important types of philosophical doctrine, to show the value of the study of philosophy and to give some practical suggestions as to the spirit and method of its study. The tcx:t-book is }'ullcrton's. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 141. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY-The course consists of a presentation of Greek, medieval, and modern philosophy from 600 B. C. down to the present day. It gives a history of the rise and growth of the predominant views in the various periods of tho 55