1914-1915 Academic Catalog

COUllSl!:S 1;,. PH\'SICS abo\·e named ages. The bibliography is exhaustive, and the refer– ences are abundant. The text-book is \Vcber's. Elective. Throe hours a week, one semester. 142. OUTLINES OF MF.TAPHYSICS-This subject presents the nature of metaphysics, the world from different viewpoints, the subjectivity of sensation, space, time, reality, God, and idealism, with suggesto(l coursc_s of reading. 'l'hb text-book is Snowden 's The World a Spiritual System. Elective. Three hours a. week, one semester. 143. LOGJC-Tbo subject is taken up in a systematic manner, terms, propositions, and syllogisms being followed by a study of fallacies and practical examples. The text-book is Jcvons-Hill 's. Required of all candidates for tho degree of Bachelor of Arts. Three hours a week, one semester. 144. ETHICS-Theoretical and practical ethics constitute the work of the course. Virtue, freedom, duty, and iudividual and social obligations are studied. The text-book is Gregory's. Re· quired of all candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Three hours a week, one semester. PHYSICS. PROFESSOR l,ANXINO. 145. ELEl\fENTARY PHYSICS-The fundamental principles, with laboratory work, are presented. The text-book is Carhart and Chute's. Required in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course. Five hours a week throughout the year. 146. GENERAL PHYSICS-Mechanics, beat, electricity, sound, and light are studied. Lectures are giveu, and laboratory work required. The text-book is Carhart's College P hysics. Elec– tive for all who have uot taken the course as a part of the requfrod work in science. Three hours a week throughout tbe year, with three additional hours of laboratory work. 147. ADVANCED PllYSICS-Tho course consists of recita– tions, lectures, and laboratory work. The text-book is Miller's. Elective for all who have completed General Physics. Three houri! a week throughout the year. 56