1914-1915 Academic Catalog

coumn:s IN PSYCIIOI.OGY 154. INTERNATJONAL LAW-The origin, progress, an principles of international law arc studied, illustrated, an< thoroughly discussed. The text·book is Da,·is' Elements. "Electiv for all who have not taken tho course as a part of the requirec work in social scie11ce. 'l'hrce hours a week, one semester. 155. T:fTERNATTONAL POLITICS-The subject is studied with special reference to the relations of the United States to other nations. The text-book is Coolidge's The United States as a ,vorld Power. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the requirell work in social scieuce. Three hours a week, one semester. 156. PARLIAMENTARY LAW-The work of this course in– cludes instruction in fundamental principles and actual practice in conducting public meetings. The text-book is Cushing's :Manual of Parliamentary Practice. Elective. One hour a week, one se– mester. PSYCHOLOGY. l'llOPESSOII McCHESNEY. 157. GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY-Human psychology is pre– sented in its phases of tho relation of tho body to consciousness, sensation, porception, memory, feelings, imagination, thought, reasoning, and the will. Angeli's is the text-book, with references to all the recent authorities. Required of all candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts 'rhrcc hours a week, one semester. 158. CO.MPARATlVE PSYCTTOLOGY-This course presents a thorough historical sketch of the ps:rchology of the animal mind. 'rhe vertebrate and in,·crtebrate forn,s will be studied from the standpoint of consciousness. F.leC'tive. Three hours a week, one semester. J59. PATJ:IOLOGJCAL PSYCHOLOGY-Hallucination, delu– sion, illnsion, hypnotism a111l 1mgge1:1tio11, altcrn:\te personality, telep– ath_v, emotional ,·nriability, and insanity form the themes of study. :F:lective. Three hours a week, one semester. 160. EDUCATJONAL PSYC110r,OGY-This eour1:1e considers the mind in its relation to methods of training and acquisition of 58