1914-1915 Academic Catalog

COURSES 1:-.' 1rn1,1G10N ANO SOCIOI.OG \' know1edgo. The psychologicnl basis of pedagogy is studied. The tert-book is Pyle's. Elective. Three hours a week, second se– mester. 161. CHILD PSYCHOLOGY-This course embraces a scientif– ic study of child life and consciousness. The text•book is Kirk• patrick 's. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 162. EXPERil\[ENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-Elementary experi– ments in the various phases of conscious phenomena are made. The texts are Thorndike's and Seashore's. Electi,·e. Three hours a week, one semester. 163. ADVANCBD O ENl::RAL PSYCHOLOGY-This course covers all the data of consciousness in au exhaustive way, together with metaphysical problems related to psychology. The text-book is James' Principles. Elective. Three hours a week, throughout the year. RELIGION. PROFESSOB McCIIESl\'1':\', 164. APOLOGETICS- This course includes the evidences of Christianity aucl natural theology. The principal subjects uuder the first head are the internal and external proofs of the divine origin of Christianity, its history aud results, and the canouicity and inspiration of the Scriptures. In natural theology, the nature and scope of tho subject, proofs for God 's existence, as found in nature and reason, and the character of God and the purpose of creation arc considered. Required of a ll candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Three hours a week, one semester. 165. COMPARATIVE RELIGION- Mohamme<lanism, Bud· dhism, Taoism, Confucianism, uaturc worship, and Christianity are compared and coutrasted. The text-book is Ke-llogg's. Elective. One hour a week throughout the year. SOCIOLOGY. PHOFESSOII AI.LEN. 166. GF.NERAL SOCIOLOGY-A careful study of social evolution, socialization, social control, and social ideals is followed by an investigation of social pathology, including poverty, crime, and social degeneration, with special atteution to the amelioration 59