1914-1915 Academic Catalog

DEPARTMENT OF ART. MISS SMITH, Director. The purpose of this department is to instruct the mind in tlie principles of 11:.!Stbetics and to train the hand to apply these princl- 1>les in practice. China painting, water color, pastel, wood car• in& and leather work are taught. ELECTIVE ART. Elective work in art to the amount of eight credits will bt counted towards the degree of Bachelor of Arts. One lesson a week for one semester constitutes the work required for one credii. Students electiug art must pay the usual fees for lessons in ad in addition to their collegiate tuition fees. RATES OF TUITION. Tho rate of tuition in tho Dcpart,ment of Art is seventy-flV♦ cents for each lesson of three hours A contingent fee of on, <lollar per semester is required of all studenb in art who have not paid the three-dollar contingent fee in some other department of the College. All fees arc payable at the beginning of the semester. For other expenses, sec page 26. ..