1914-1915 Academic Catalog
LIST OF GRADUATES. NOTE:-Alumui aud others uoting errors aud dcfieicncics in this list will confer a favor by notifying the Secretary of the Faculty. 1897. Rev. .John Wilson Bickett, A. B. ; A.l\L, Muskingum College, 1912; New Concord, Ohio, Pastor Second United Presbyterian Church. Rev. Raymond Porter Gorbold, A.B.; D.D., 1912; K ioto, Japan, Presbyterian Missionary. Rev. Homer McMillan, A.B.; D.D., Wcstminister College, 1911; Secretary Executive Committee of Home l\·rissiontJ, Presbyterian Church in U.S.; 1422 Hurt Bl<lg., Atlanta, Ga. Prof. Cal,·in Crawford, Ph.B., Cedan·illc, Ohio; Princip:11 of the High School. Rev. J ohn Alvin Orr, A.B.; A.1\L; University of Pennsylvania, 1900; 303 Por£>st A,·c., Ben Avon, Pa., Pastor First United Presby– terian Church, Pittsburgh, Pa., N. S. 5. 1898. Dr. Elmer Anderson E lder, A.B.; M.D., Medical College of Ohio, 1903; 302-303 Central Block, Pueblo, Colo. Physician and Surgeon. Rev. James Mcl\Iaster 1\foQuilkin, A.H.; 426 Washington Av<>., Carnegie, Pa., Pastor United Prcsbytcl'ian Church. 2. 1899. P rof, Cornelius Bruce Collins, A.B.; A.M., 1901; B.Ped., Colo· rado State Teachers' College, 1900; ].I.Ped., ibid., 1905; Needles, Cal., Superintendent of Schools. Clara Belle Conner (1\frs. ,Jesse I:::. Slonaker), Music, 1661 E. 50th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Lida Duval Ehler (i\Irs. Wendell l\L Black), 1\tusic, Yellow Springs, Ohio. Rev. James Heron, A.B.; The Manse, West Quoddy, Nova Scotia, Caua.<la, Canadian Presbyterian Missionary at Quoddy and Mosers ' River. 73
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