1914-1915 Academic Catalog
Mary Little, A.B.; 417 W. 3rd St., Connersville, Ind. Jonnie Bello Morton (Mrs. Thomas R. Turner), A.B.; Musie; Dravosburg, Pa. Rev. Thomas R. Turner, A.8.; Dravosburg, Pa., Pastor Pres· byterian Chureh. Isabelle M. Winter, A.R.; A.M., 1907; Cedarville, Ohio, Teacher. ,. 1900. Cora Agues Anderson, Ph.B.; Springfield, Ohio. Teacher. Lulu May Coe (Mrs. Alfred E. Swaby), Ph.B.; Cedarville, Ohio, R. 2. Rev. ,vnlter Avis Condon, A.B.; B.D.,Princeton Seminary, 1905; Trenton, Ohio; Pastor United Presbyterian Church. Prof. James Robb Harper, A.B.; 719 Park A-..-e., ,vilmette, Jll. Superintendent of Schools. Sarah E li;r;abeth flopping pJ.rs. Carl 0. Paull), Ph.B.; A.B .. Monmouth College, 1903; 331 Forest Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Rev. William Wallace lliffe, A.B.; 57 Waverly St., Brookline, Mass. Pastor Presbyterian Church. Bertha L. Knott, Ph.B.; Spriugfichl, Ohio; Teacher. Mary Beatrice Knott, Ph.B.; Springfield, Ohio. Nellie Byrd Lewis, Ph.B.; Ph.M., 1903; Scioto St., Urbana, Ohio; Instructor in Latin and English in the High School. Anna Myrtle Orr (Mrs. Robert B. Wilson), Ph.B.; Hillsboro, lll. Rev. Barnett McLeod Paul, A.B.; B.D., P rinceton Seminary, 1905; New Bedford, Pa.; Pastor Presbyterian Church. Nellie Fern Ustick, A.B.; 83 Webster Park Ave., Columbus, Ohio; Stenographer of Prosecutiug Attorney of Franklin County. Rev. Clarence Andrew Youug, A.B.; A.M., University of Peunsylvauia, 1908; Ph.D., ibid., 1912; 25 Waumbeck St., Boston, Mass.; Pastor Roxbury Presbyterian Church. )3. 1901. J. Frederick Anderson, Ph.8.; LJ,.8., Ohio St.ate Uuiversity, 1907; Suite 401 Bushnell Bldg., Springfield, Ohio. Law:yf'r. Olive Davis Coe, P h.B.; Cedarville, Ohio, n. 2. .lean Blnnche Ervin (Mrs. Oscar Smith), P h.D.; Cedarville, Ohio. 74
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