1914-1915 Academic Catalog

1911. Auna Alberta Creswell, A.M., A.B., 19.10; Cedarville, Ohio; Professor of Rhetoric and .Freucb in Cedarville College. Ralph John llill, A.M., A.B., 1910; 207 S. Neville St., Pitts• burgh, Pa.; Studeut in Carnegie Technical Jnstitute. Josephine Orr, A.B.; Cedarville, Ohio. Prof. Frank M. Reynolds, A.M.; Se.B., Lebanon University, 1904; Cedarville, Ohio; Superintendent of Schools. Rev. Edward B. Shaw, A.M., A.B., 1910; Warsaw, Ohio; Pastor Presbyterian Church. John Orr Stewart, Jr., A.B.; 511 \Valnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio: Student in the Cincinnati Conservatory of 1\Iueic. Bertha Alida Stormont, A.B.; Xenia, Ohio, R. 2; Student of Music in Cedarville College. Lydia Eleanor Turnbull, A.B.; Springfielrl, Ohio, R. 11 ; Princi– pal of the Pitchin High School. Robert Woodbridge Ustick, A.B.; Xenia Theological Seminary, Xenia, Ohio; Theological Student. Florence .Jane \Villiamson, A.B.; Glenwood, Iowa; Principal of the Iligh School. 10. 1912. Martha Made Anderson, l\[usic; Xenia, Ohio, R. 2; Teacher of Music i11 the New .Jasper Tow11ship Schools. Grace Lillian Beckley, A.B., A.1\L, 1913; CoultNville, 111.; Principal of the High School. Samuel Arthur Dean, A.B.; A.B., :\fiarni University, 1913; Xenia, Ohio, R. 2; Parmer. Phil DeWitt Dixon, A.8.; Tulsa, Okla.; Financial Agent Henry Kendall College. Ethel Viola Anneka Githens, Teachers' Course, Miamisburg, Ohio, Teacher. \Valter Payne Harriman, A.B.; 114 Lafayette Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., N. S.; Stu1lent in the Western Tlwological Seminary. Howard Wesley 1\[cGaffick, A.B.; lnstrudor in Physics a111I Mathematics in lnclustrial and Training School, Huntingdou, Teun.; Died Oct 8, 1912. Wilhelmina l~11ith Mitra:,•, A.B.; I~ondon, Ohio. so