1914-1915 Academic Catalog

School Law, 4 1. School Mnnngcme11t, 41. School Supervision, 41. Semester-hour, Dcfh1itiou of, 24. Shakespeare, 43. Socialism, 59. Social Life, 13-15. Social Psychology, 60. Social Sciences, 21, 23, 3i, :19, 41. 57-60. Sociology, 21, 3i, 59, 60. Soils, 34. Special Students, .17, 18. Standing Committees, 4. Students, List of, 68-7.1. Summary of Graduates, 81, 82. Summary of Students, 72. Surveying, 20, 53. 'Peachers' Department, 27-29. Teachers' Review Course, 28, 29. Theology, Natural, 59. 'l'heses, 3, 22, 23, 28. Transportation, 40, 41. Trigonometry, 20, 53. Trustees, J3oard of, 4. Trusts, 40. Tuition Fees, 18, 25, 29, 33, 62-65. !!nit, Definition of, 19. \Von1e11 's Advisory Boal'd, -1-. Youug Men's Christia rt Associa- tion, 15. Young \Vomcu 's Christian Asso– ciation, 15. 87