1916-1917 Academic Catalog

INCOME AND ENDOWMENT. INCOME. The income of Cedarville College consists of the interest from its endowment, voluntary subscriptions and offerings from friends, collections from the different congregations under the care of the General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1md the tuition fees of the students. ENDOWMENT FUNDS. PETER GIBSON FUND. Cedarville College practically had its origin in the liberality of ,Villiam Gibson, of Cincinnati, who bequeathed $25,000 for the endowment fund of a College to be erected at Cedanille, Ohio, in memory of his father, Peter Gibson, for many years a prominent member and ruling elder of the First Reformed Pres– byterian congregation of Cincinm1ti. Dy compromise with the heirs, the trustees accepted $20,000 in full settlement. THOMAS GIBSON FUND. 'I'homas Gibson, ll!I elder in the First Reformed Presbyterian congregation of Cincinnati and president of the Board of Trustees of Cedarville College, left a bequest of $5,000, which eiune into the possession of the College in 1910. ROBERT M. COOPER FUND. By the will of Robert M. Cooper, a ruling elder in the Cedar• ville Reformed Presbyterian congregation. the College in 1903 came into possession of two-thirds of his estate, which amounted to $4,000. HARPER FUND. Mr. George ,v. Harper and wife, of Cedarville, generously gave $5,000 for the founding 1md nrnintenanee of a chair o[ sociology and economics, provided the friends of the College raised an additional $5,000. The condition was more than com• plied with, about $7,000 being raised.