1916-1917 Academic Catalog

Robert Turnbull, CedarviUe, Ohio. Louise Waddle, Cedarville, Ohio. Logan Abner Waits, Mt. Orab, Ohio. Harter Wheeler, Palestine, Ohio. Rev. Themas Whyte, Philadelphia, Pa. Florence Jane 'Williamson, A. B., Nevada, Iowa. Gertrude Grace ,Vilson, Selma, Ohio. Della Wisecup, Cedarville, Ohio. Wilbur Wisecup, Cedarville, Ohio. Louise Wolf, Columbus, Ohio. Bernice ,volford, Cedan·ille, Ohio. Naomi Irene Wright, Cedar\'ille, Ohio. Marjorie Wright, Cedarville, Ohio. Stephen Calvin 'Wright, A. B., Cedarville, Obie. 142. SUMMARY OF STUDENTS. Graduate Student& ______________ 4 Seniors 10 Juniors . 7 Sophomores . 12 Freshmen 25 Special and Preparatory Students 14 Normal Students 39 Theological Students 6 ::~::::: :: ~~~:: =========================-····_···· 30 Studeuts iu Theory __________ ,.................... 12 Students in Domestic Science ___________ Students i.u Saturday School 11 Students in Summer School 142 Total _________________ ,320 Duplications 11 Net Total --------------~'" -101-