1916-1917 Academic Catalog

LIST OF GRADUATES. NOTE:-Alumni and others noting errors and defleieneie11 in thi11 liat will confer a favor by notifying the Dean. 1897. Rev. John Wilson Bickett, A.B.; D.D., 1915; A.M., Muskingum Col– lege, 1912; New Concord, Ohio. Pastor Second United Presbyterian Church. Rev. Raymond Porter Oorbold, A.B.; D.D., 1912; Kioto, .Japan. Pres– byterian Miesionary. Died December 30, 1915. Rev. Homer McMillan, A.B.; D.D., Westminster College (Mo.), 1911. Secretary Executive Committee of Home Mi8!!ions, Presbyterian Church in U. S.; 1522 Hurt Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. P rof. Calvin Crawford Morton, Ph.B., Cedarville, Ohio. Principal of the High School. Rev. John Alvin Orr, A.B.; A.B., University of Penm1ylvania, 1898; A. M., ibid., 1900; 2624 Perrysville Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Pastor First United Presbyterian Church. Pittsburgh, Pa., N. S. 5. 1898. Dr. Elmer Anderson Elder, A.B.; M.D., Medical College of Ohio, 1903; 303 Central Block, Pueblo, Col. Pbyeieian and Surgeon. Rev. .Tames MeMa.ater MeQuilkin, A.B.; 426 Washington Avenue, Carnegie, Pa. Pastor United Presbyterian Church. 2. 1899. Prof. Cornelius Bruce Collins, A.B.; A.M., 1901; B.Ped., Colorado State Teachers' College, HlOO; M.Ped., ibid., 1905; Needles. Cal. Super· intendent of Schools. Clara Belle Conner (Mrs. Clara B. Slonaker), Mueie, .Jamestown, Ohio. Lida Duval Elder (Mrs. Wendell M. Black), Music, Yellow Springs, Ohio. Rev. James Heron, A.B.; West LaWTencetown, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Pastor Presbyterian Chureh. Mary Little, A.B.; 417 \V. 3rd St., Connersville, Ind. Jennie Belle Morton (Mrs. Thomae R. Turner), A.B.; Musie; Dravoa• burg, Pa. -102-