1916-1917 Academic Catalog

Prof. George Andrew Harper, A.B.; A.B., University of Chicago, 1908; 1424 Forest Ave., Wilmette, JU. Assistant Principal and Instructor in Mathematics in New Trier Tp. High School, Kenilworth, Ill., and author of mathematical text•books. Rev. Robert Boyd \Vilson, A.B., 212 Tillson St., Hillsboro, lll. Pastor Presbyterian Church. 8. 1902. Mary Belle Ervin, A.B., Cedarville, Ohio. Dean of \Vomcn in Cedar– ville College and Secretary of the National Loyal Temperance Legion. Ethel Fields (Mrs. W.W. Creswell), Music; Cedarville, Ohio. Dr. John Cecil George, A.M., M.D., Music; Orchard Springs Sani• tarium, Dayton, Ohio. Physician. Rev. Homer Burton Henderson, A.B., B.D., Xenia Seminary, 1905; 740 Grand River Ave., Detroit, ].t:ieh. Pastor First United Presbyterian Church. ,. 1903. Vera Andrew, A.B., Teachers' Hall, South Manchester, Conn. Alice Marguerite Bromagem (Mrs. Frank A. Jnrkat), Ph.B., Cedar– ville, Ohio. Dr. John M. Finney, A.B.; l\1.D., Ohio Miami Medical College, 1910; Harrison, Idaho. Physician and Surgeon. Alfaretta Hammond, A.B., A.M., 1912, American Mission, Boni Suef, Egypt. United Presbyterian Missionary. Lulu May Henderson, A.B.; B.Ped., Ohio State Normal College of Obio Univenity, 1906; Codan·illc, Ohio. Nora Almeda Paullin, Music, 268 Park St., Dayton, Ohio. Dora Siegler (Mrs. Karlh Bull), Music; Cedarville, Ohio. Lucy Smith, Music; Jamestown, Ohio. Agnes King Stormont, Ph.B., 3725 GrapoYine St., Jndia.na Harbor, Ind. Teacher of Expression in tho East Chicago Public Schools. Rev. John Jacob 'Wilson, A.B., 612 W. California St., Urbana, Ill. Pastor First Presbyterian Church. Stephen Calvin Wright, A.B., Cedarville, Ohio. Fia:.rncial Secretary a.nd Professor of Education in Cedan•ille College. 11. 1904. James Frederick Barbor, A.B.; LL.B., Columbia University, 1909; H7 \Va.lout St., Macon, Ga. Business address: Georgia Casualty Bldg. Lawyer. Frank Ste~·ensoa Bird, A.B., Cedarville, Ohio. Grocer. -104-