1916-1917 Academic Catalog

Frank Barber Bull, A.B., 319 N. Penn St., Indianapolia, Ind. Auto– mobile Editor of the Indianapolia Star. Lulu May Coe {Mra. Alfred G. Swaby), Music; Ph.B., 1900; Cedar– ville, Ohio. Lillian Lucretia Conner, Muaie, .Jameatown, Ohio, R. 4. Teacher of Piano. Prof. Joaeph Raymond Fitzpatrick, A.B., A.M., 1907, 210 S. 86th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Instructor in Chemistry in the Univeraity of Pennaylvania. Raebel Marie Garlough, A.B., Yellow Springs, Ohio. Stenographer with the Champion Chemieal Co., Springfield, Ohio. Carrie Eleanor Hutebiaon, Pb.B., 225 E. Market St., Xenia, Ohio. Bookkeeper of the Home Building and Savings Co. Frank L. Orr, A.B., Theological Student. Died .June ll, 1907. Rev. William Allan Pollock, A.B., 6638 Stewart Ave., Chicago, Ill. Paator Second United Presbyterian Church. Mary .Jane Ramaey, A.B., 135 E. Euclid Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Bookkeeper. Carrie May Rife, A.B.; Ohio Life Righ School Certificate, 1915; Cedarville, Ohio, R. 1. Principal of the Selma High School. Raymond Bert Shaw, A.B.; Capital College of Oratory and Mueic, 1906; A.B., Ohio State Univereity, 1907; Sta. A, R. 5, Fairview Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Salee Manager. Prof. Frank Houston Young, A.B., Bellbrook, Ohio. Superintendent of Schools. 14. 1905. Rev. William Renwiek Graham, A.B., Rockville, Ind. Pastor Memorial Presbyterian Church. Rev. Milton Garfield Hanna, A.B., Seaton, Ill. Pastor Center Pres– byterian Church. Clarence Dean Liggett, Ph.B., Ft. Morgan, Col. In business. Raymond Hardie Liggett, Ph.B., Scottsbluff, Neb. Concrete eon• tractor. Samuel .J. McMillan, A.B., Delanson, N. Y. In business. Minnie Ritenour {Mrs. Kenneth S. Hamilton), Music, 809 Dougl&IJ St., Bloomington, Ill. ,. 1906. Effie May Crawford (Mrs. Milton 0. Hanna), A.B., Seaton, Ill. Dr. Claude B. Estle, Ph.B.; M.D., Starling•Ohio Medical College, 1912. New Albany, Ohio. Physician. -105-