1916-1917 Academic Catalog

1908. Caroliue Fiuuey (Mrs. G. L. Weaver), A.B., Seguudo, Col. John Frazer Na11h, A.B., 1130 Ilome A•'c., Daytou, Ohio. Bu11iuc11s address: 1827 W. 3rd St. Bookkeeper. Leroy Henderson, A.B., Cedarville, Ohio. Farmer. Florence Ru11sell, Music, 1500 DiJCmont Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Prof. Elmer Gideon Spahr, Ph.B.; A.B., Ohio State Uni,,ersity, 1909; B.S. in Ed., ibid., 1913; An11ouia, Ohio. Principal of Schools. Bessie Sterrett, Music, Cedar,-ille, Ohio. 6. 1909. Vern Andrew, Mu11ie; A.B., 1903; Teachers' Hall, South Manchester, Conn. Teacher. Lulu Verna Bird (Mrs. J. Lloyil Confarr), Ph.B., Cedarville, Ohio. John Lloyd Confarr, Ph.B., Cedarville, Ohio. Grocer. Julia Harbisou, .A.B., Cedan,illc, Ohio. Re,,. William Hawthorne, A.B.; B.D., MeConniek Theological Semi– nary, 1912; 1801 N. Hancock St., Philadelphia, Pa. Pastor's Aasistant, Uniou Tabernacle Presbyterian Church. Martha Knott (Mrs. Dr. Leo Anderson), Music; Cedarville, Ohio. Rev. Eruest Bogle McClellan, A.B.; Belle Center, Ohio. Pastor United Pre11byterian Church. Mary Jeannette Orr (Mrs. Ernest D. McClellan), Ph.B.; A.M., 1910; Belle Ceuter, Ohio. Rev. William ,Vaide, A.B.; Patiala, Jndia; Reformed Presbyterian Missionary. 9. 1910. Ada Allen (Mrs. Ada Clow), A.B.; Ohio Life High School Certificate, 1915; Crawfie Institute, Lancaster, Ohio. Instructor in Latin and German. Prof. Robert Fred Bird, A.B.; .A.B., Ohio State University, Hll4; Pataskala, Ohio. Principal of the Iligh School. Rev. David John Brigham, A.B.; Seneca, Jll. Pastor Brookfield Presbyterian Church. Anna Alberta Creswell, A.B.; A.M., 1911; Cedarville, Ohio. Pro– fessor of Latin and French in Cedarville College. Andre..,. Sterrett Creswell, A.D.; 616 W. North Ave., N. S., Pitts- burgh, Pa. Student in Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Howard Chalmers Creswell, A.B.; Cedarville, Ohio. Farmor. Samuel Franklin Creswell, A.B.; Cedar,-ille, Ohio. Farmer. Ruth Alice Flatter, Music; Springfield, Ohio, R. 4. Teacher of Music. Howard McMillan 1Iarbi11on, A.B.; Cedarville, Ohio. Parmer. -lOi-