1916-1917 Academic Catalog

SUMMARY OF ALUMNI. SUMMARY BY DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS. Masters of Arts .. :Master of Philosophy .. ................ 14 l Bachelors of Arts.. _____114 Baehelors of P hilosophy . .... 27 Graduates in Musie ______________ 27 Graduate in Teachers' Course .. Graduate in Theology ... Total_______ 85 Duplications ________________ J8 Net Total .................. 167 BUMM.ARY BY STATES AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES. California, 1. China, 1. Colorado, 3. Connecticut, 1. Egypt, J. Georgia, 3. Idaho, 1. Illinoia, 11. I ndia, L Indiana, 5. Jowa, 5. Kentucky, 1. Massaehuasetta, 2. Nebraska, 1. New York, 3. North Dakota, l. Nova Beotia, 1. Ohio, 101. Oklahoma, 2. Pennsylvania, 115. South Carolina, l. SUMMARY BY PROFESSIONS. Teachers ... _____ ,. Ministers -----------·----- 28 Foreign Missionaries ______ Students of Theology .. Housewives ________________ 26 Farmen 13 In Business . ........................................... 18 Oraduato and Other Students .. 6 Public Officials.. 2 Phy1icians and Surgeons .. Lawyers _____________ Artist Journalist .. In Social Service -------- l Librarian ________________ l Unclassified . ______________ 14 Deceased.. ________ 3 Total ............................................................................................................ f"x Duplications Net Total -----------························l67 -111-