1916-1917 Academic Catalog

BUILDINGS. COLLEGE HALL. The erection of College Hall was begun in the spring of 1895, and completed in the autumn of the same year. The corner– stone was laid with impressive services J une 25, 1895, and the dedication took place during the meeting of the General S)'nod in May, 1896. The building stands in a campus of nine acres, containing about three hundred trees. It is a handsome edifice of pressed brick and cut stone. On the first floor are the chapel, the president's office, class rooms for music, German, history, rhetoric, and waiting rooms. On the second floor are the Greek and Latin, psychology, science, English, F rench, Bible, econom– ics and education recitation rooms and the chemical and biological laboratories. Two large literary society halls occupy the entire third Boor. The building is lighted with natural gas and electric– ity, and heated by furnaces. Standing in the center of the beautiful campus, on the highest site in Cedarville, the building presents an attractive and imposing appearance. THE ALFORD MEMORIAL GYMNASilJM. In 1902, :Mr. W. J. Alford presented to the College the church building and grounds, fonnerly the property of the Reformed Presbyterian congregation (General Synod). This building was given by the donor as a gymnasium and for a memorial to his parents, the late Rev. John Alford, D. D., and Mrs. Mary B. Alford. The building has been named the ''.Alford Memorial Gymnasium.'' It is seventy feet long and fifty feet wide, provided with dressing rooms and shower baths, and furnishes an excellent place for a gymnasium. We are under la.sting gratitude to Mr. W. J. Alford for his historic gift. THE CAB.NEGIE LIBRARY. In December, 1905, M:r. Andrew Carnegie generously donated $12,000 to erect a library building for Cedarville College on condition that a like amount be added to the College endow- -n-