1916-1917 Academic Catalog

grades are given credit only in the P reparatory Department, and from such institutions as are approved by the Faculty as a com– mittee of the whole. Students may be admitted to classes above the Freshmen on certificate of honorable dismissal from colleges of like standing with this. Every candidate, before admission, shall present a certificate of good moral character from his last teacher or from some citizen in good standing; or, if studying with a view to the ministry, from the proper ecclesiastical authority. EXAMINATIONS. Applicants £or admission who have no diplomas or certif– icates are required to pass satisfactory examinations during the one day preceding the opening of each semester. Students desiring to matriculate in any class must present satisfactory equivalents for all courses previously pursued by the class. SPECIAL ST'tTDENTS. Students not candidates for degrees or diplomas of gradua– tion 1~ay select their own courses, subject to the schedule of the semester and the approval of the Faculty. They will, however, be subject to the general regulations of the College, and will be charged the regular rates of the departments in which their work is done. GENERAL REGlJLATIONS. l. Punctual attendance is required on the first day of each semester. Failure to be present results seriously to class standing. 2. All students are required to be punctual and regular in their attendance at chapel, recitations, and all other exercises of the College. 3. Payment of dues must be made the first day. No stu– dent is enrolled in any class or recognized in any recitation until he pays his dues, or makes satisfactory arrangements with the Treasurer for them. - 16----