1916-1917 Academic Catalog

COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION, Graduates of the Prepa.ratory Department of Cedarville College are admitted to the rank of Freshmen in the Collegiate Department without examination. Graduates of approved high schools and other institutions offering preparatory work to the amount of 16 units are admitted without conditions to the Fresh– man Class. Candidates for admission to the Collegiate Department must present 4 units in Latin, 3 in mathematics, 3 in English, 1 in history, 2 in natural science, and three selected from English, history, civics, modern languages or science. A unit consists of five hours' work per week in a given subject throughout the year. DEGREES. Four degrees are conferred upon candidates who have satisfactorily met all the requirements for the same, namely, the degree of Bachelor of Arts (A. B.), Bachelor of Science (B. S.), Bachelor of Science in Education (B. S. in Ed.), and that of Master of Arts (A. M.). REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACH ELOR OF ARTS. The requirement.a for the degree of Bachelor of Arts are: A. One hundred aod twenty semester-hours of residence work distributed as follows: I. The following prescribed studies to the amount of eighteen semester-hours. 1. Rhetoric (six semester-hours). 2. Psychology (three semester-hours). 3. Logic (three semester-hours). 4. Ethics (three semester-hours). 5. Apologetics (three semester-hours). II. A number of group studies to the amount of seventy– two semester-hours. -IS-