1916-1917 Academic Catalog

III. Free electives to the amount of twelve semester-hours to be selected from any department of instruction, except those or art, music, oratory, or domestic science. C. A thesis -of at least three thousand words upon some subject connected with the department of instruction in which the major study is taken, and meeting with the approval of the professor at the head of that department. The title of the thesis must be submitted not later than the first of February preceding graduation, and a typewritten copy of the thesis not later than the first of l\fay. LIMIT OF WORK. No student of the Collegiate Department will be permitted to take work for credit amounting to more than eighteen hours per week per semester, and no student the average of whose grades for the preceding semester is less than ninety per cent. will be allowed to take work for credit amounting to more than fifteen hours per week per semester. This rule does not apply to candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science in the combined Arts-Agriculture Course, nor to candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the combined Arts-Theology Course, who are expected to pursue the prescribed studie& of those courses without deviation. LIMIT OF SUMMER SCHOOL WORK. No student will be given credit for more than ten semester– hours of work done in any one session of a summer school. The limit for a six weeks' session is eight semester-hours. TIME REQUIRED. Ordinarily the completion of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts or of Bachelor of Science will require four years, and the completion of the requirements for the degree of ~faster of Arts, one year. DEFINITION OF CREDIT. A ''credit," or ''semester-hour," is one recita.tiou a week for one semester. A student completing fi.ftecn hours of col- -25-