1916-1917 Academic Catalog

COMMENCEMENT HONORS. Students who throughout the four years of their college course maintaiu au average grade of ninety per cent. or more in all studies will be graduated cum laude, "with praise;" those who maintain a grade of ninety-five per cent. or more will be gradu– ated, mag11a c1im laude, "with great praise;" and those who maintain an average grade of ninety-seven per cent. or over will be graduated, simima cum laude, "with the highest praise." RATES OF TUITION. The fee for instruction in the Collegiate Department is eighteen dollf1rs per semester, payable upon the opening day. This includes a tuition fee of fifteen dollars and a contingent fee of three dollars. The laboratory fees in chemistry, biology and physics arc five dollars per semester. The breakage deposit in chemistry is five dollars per semester. After breakage baa been deducted, the remainder is returned. The graduation and diploma fee, payable with the tuition fee at the beginning of the second semester of the last year of the course, is fifteen dollars to those taking the degree of Bachelor of Arts, or Bachelor of Science, and ten dollars to those taking the degree of l\faster of Arts. No rebate of laboratory or contingent fees will be granted. In case a student is compelled by sickness or other unavoid– able circumstances to leave the College before the middle of the semester, a rebate of one-half of the tuition fee will be granted. Otherwise no rebate will be granted. EXPENSES. Expenses at Cedarville are probably as low as can be found anywhere in the United States, and are much lower than in many places. Expenses for clothing, laundry and sundries vary greatly with the individual, who can, therefore, better estimate them for himself. College fees, boarding, room rent, and cost of text-books vary with the locality. Consequently, the following estimates are based upon these items. In the years in which science Courses are taken, ten dollars must be added for Iab- -27-