1916-1917 Academic Catalog

oratory fees and from three to ten for breakage in courses in chemistry. Only two courses in science are required, and chem– istry need not be one of them. Laboratory fees are also, there• fore, practically individual expenses. SUMMARY OF EXPENSES FOR A YEAR. (Estimated). Tuition and Contingent Fees ........................................... $ 36.00 Text.Books . 10.00 Room Rent, including Jjght and heat, $1.25 per week .. 45.00 Boarding, $3.00 per week ...................................................... 108.00 ·rota! . ...... ............$199.00 OPPORTUNITIES FOR SELF.HELP. Arrangements have been made by which a limited number of students from a distance, properly recommended, may be given work sufficient to defray at least a part of their expenses. Scholarships are awarded to high schools in this and neighboring states. Assistance is given to students in finding work. Jt is believed that no young mnn or womnn, possessed of good health, energy, and determination, need be deprived of the advantages of a college education merely for the lack of means wherewith to defrny expenses. Students who are working their way through college arc honored by all at Cedarville College and arc given every encouragement and assistance in their laudable efforts to develop their powers and to fit themselves for higher spheres of usefulness. COLLEGE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. In 1914 a College Employment Bureau was established for the benefit of Cedarville graduates and students. An effort is made to find for every student, former student, or alumnus who desires the services of the Bureau, a good position in which he can render efficient service and at the same time e11rn a good liveli– hood. As a result of the first three months' efforts of the Bureau, every member of the graduating class of 1914 who wished em• ployment was elected to a good position and several were offered -28-