1916-1917 Academic Catalog

Pedagogy . General Psychology . English Grammar . Arithmetic . United States History . English Literature .. Civics. English Classics . Advanced Rhetoric . Bible. FIB.ST SEMESTER. SECOND SEMESTER. Pedagogy . Educational Psychology . History of Education .. English Grammar . Arithmetic . Political Geography . American Literature . Physiology . English Classics . Advanced Rhetoric .... Bible. Hours per week 3 ....3 3 3 3 FO'tJR.-YEAR COURSE FOB. moH SCHOOL TEACHERS. The normal course for the professional training of high school teachers covers four full college years of thirty-six weeks each, and its completion requires residence work to the amount of one hundred and thirty-six credits or semester-hours. A credit or semester-hour is one recitation or lecture period per week for one semester of eighteen weeks. Upon the completion of this course the student receives from Cedarville College a diploma of graduation, and the degree of Bachelor of Arts. From the Department of Public Instruc– tion of the State of Ohio, he receives, without examination, -31-