1916-1917 Academic Catalog

NORllAJ. COUR$1-: FOR TUI-: DEGREI-: O~• MASTER OF ARTS part of the requirements for the state high school certi6catc, and if the studeut ret1uires the full amount of thirty hours of profes– sional work in order to obtain this certificate, then all of this work must be done in regular class room work. But in most cases the candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education will have had in his undergraduate course such an amount of professional work that twenty-four semester-hours will be more than ample to make up the state requirements. All work taken for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education must be strictly professional in character, falling within such subjects as education, psychology, ethics, philosophy or sociology. The thesis also must be along educational lines. NORMAL COURSE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS. College gruduates desiring to complete the requirements for a state high school certificate and have the courses taken for this purpose count towards the degree of Master of Arts can do so by merely complying with the conditions upon which that degree is granted by Cedarville College. The requirements arc as follows; Major Study . Minor Study . E lectives Thesis. Total .. Semester-hours 6 6 12 6 30 The student can take one o[ the subjects required by the law for his certificate as his major study, another for his minor study, and still others for his electives, and in this way get both his degree and the state certificate. STATE RECOGNITION AND CREDIT. Cedarville College was recognized as a regular institution for the professional training o[ teachers, April 16, 1915. All of the requirements of the school laws in regard to the training of high school teachers are fully complied with, and full normal credit can be obtained for all work done in this department. -35-