1916-1917 Academic Catalog

COURSF.S IN BIOLOGY AND CHF.MISTRT 18. BTBLE MANNERS AND CUSTOMS-This courae includea a atudy of the mannera and cuatoms of Bible lands with constant reference to the Bible itBelf. The text-book is Rice's Orientalisms in Bible Lands. E lective for all who have not taken the course a9 a part of the required work in Bible. Three hours a week, ono eeu,ester. 19. BIBLICAL SOCIOLOGY-The contribution of the Bible to the 11olution of social problems, such as wealth, poverty, land, war, labor, capital, civic corruptiou, citizenship, crime, race problems, and cbild labor. Special emphasis is placed on tho social teachings of Jesus. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in Bible. Three hours a week, one semester. BIOLOGY. 20. PHYSIOLOGY-In this eourae the elements of anatomy, physiol– ogy, and hygiene am preecnted. The text-book is Hough and Sedgwick 'a Human Mechaniam. Required in the first year of the Preparatory Course. Four hours a week, second semester. 21. BOTANY-This course includes a study of the various plant groups and of the organs and tissues and phy11iology of plant11. Lab– oratory and field work i11 required. The text-book i11 Bergen's. Required in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course. Four hours a week, second semester. 22. GENERAL BIOLOGY-Tho work of thia course consists of a general aurvey of organic life, plant and animal, from the standpoint of morphology, phy11iology, and development. The text-books are Parker's and Linville and Kelley's. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in science. Four hours a week, throughout the year, with three additional hours of laboratory work. CHEMISTRY. 23. GENERAL CHEMISTRY-The cour11e forms an introduction to the science, consisting of a study of the various elements and their compounds as to their occurrence, preparation, properties, and use. Qualitative analy11is is taken up the second 11emester. The te:z:t•book is McPherson and Henderson's. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of. the required work in aeience. Four hours a week, throughout the year. 24. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS-This course consista of a study of metals and acids and the te11ts for each, followed by practical work on aalta, alloy11, and other common substances. The teJ:t•book is Scott 1 1