1916-1917 Academic Catalog

COURSES IN DOMESTIC SCIENCE, DRAWINO AND ECONOIUCS Qualitative Analysia. Eleetive. Open to all who have eompleted General Chemistry. Three hours a week, throughout the year. 25. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS-Thie course eonsiate of the principles of gra.•imetric and volumetric analysis, with practical work in ores, limestone, fertilii:ere, and technical products. The text-book is Foulk 's Quantitative Analyaia. Elective. Open to all who have com– pleted Qualitative Analysis. Three hours a week, throughout the year. 26. ADVANCED INORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY-Thia course is eapecially recommended to those who expect to teach chemiatry. The text-book is Newth'11 Inorganic C,bem– i11try. Bennett's Laboratory Manual is used. Elective. Open to all who have completed General Chemistry. Three hours a week, throughout the year, with three additional hour3 of laboratory work. 27. HOUSEHOLD CHEMISTRY-Thia course is devoted to the analysis of foods, including the detection of adulterations and preserva– tives, the determination of the purity of soda, baking powder, and eream of tartar, the analysia of milk and milk produch, the analysis of food– stuff's to determine the nutritive value; the examination of tea, coffeo, cocoa, sugar, flavoring extracts, jellies, candy, ice cream. The text-book is Blanchard's Household Chemistry for Girls. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year, with three additional hours of laboratory work. DOMESTIC SCIENCE. PROFESSOR BOLLIDAY. 28. ELECTIVE DOMESTIC SCIENCE-Elective work in domestic seience to the amount of eight credits will be counted towards the degree ot Eachelor ot Art.II. One leaaon a week for one semester constitutes the wort required for one credit. Students eleeting domestic science muat pay; the usual feet for le11ons in domeatic science in addition to their regular collegiate tuition fees. See the Department of Domestic Seience far the nature of the work oft'ered. DRAWING. 29. MECHANICAL-Mechanical Drawing and Descriptive Geom– etry comprise the work. In.etruction ie largely individual. Eleetive. Three houra a week throughout the year. ECONOMICS. PROFESSOR ALLEN. 30. PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS-Production, exchange, dia– tribution, and consumption are taken up, and such subjects as labor, capital, association, money, credit, commerce, colleetiviem, cooperation, ---45-