1916-1917 Academic Catalog

37. PRINCIPLES OF PEDAGOGY-The fundamental principles of pedagogy are explained and illustrated and applied in a practical way to the various problems of class-room iostruction. The text-books are Mc:Murry's General Method and Method of the Recitation. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 38. SCHOOL MANAGJ.;MENT-The art of teaching and school government and discipline, with the practical application of principles and concrete illustration, are the subjects studied. The text-books are White's and Bagley's School Management. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 39. SCHOOL ORGANIZATION AND LAW-This course treats of school organization, administration, and supervision, and of the school laws of the State of Ohio. The text-book is Chancellor's Our Schools. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 40. SECONDARY EDUCATION-This courso embraces a considera– tion of the studies, processes of instruction, and processes of training in secondary schools. The text-book is DeGarmo's Principles of Secondary Education, 3 volurnes. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 41. PRINCIPLES OF EDUCATION-In this course a scientific study of education ie made from the biological and psychological points of view with the purpose of discovering underlying principles that may contribute to tho solution of the everyday problems of the teachcr and the parent. The text-book is Bolton's. Elective. Tbreo hours a week throughout the year. 42. HJGH SClIOOL METHODS-This course considers the general methods euitable for high school iuetruction and the SJ>ecial methods used ;n teaching the ee"eral high school studiea. The text-book is Parker's. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 43. SCHOOL DISCIPLINE-In this course tho discipline of the school, its principlee, processes, methods, devices, are considered, with special attention to the subject of punishment. The te:ii:t-hooks a.re More– house's and Bagley's. Three hours a week, one semester. 44. SCIENCE OF EDUCATION-This course considers the func– tion of education and of the school in biological, sociological, and peycbologieal terms; experience iu ite relation to the educative procese; the relation of education to the three periods of child-development; the transitional, formative and adolescent; educational values and tho neces– sity of idea.ls; the technique of teaching. The text-book is Bagloy'e. Three hours a week, one semester. -47-