1916-1917 Academic Catalog

ENGLISH. PROFESSOR HOLLIDAY. 45. GRAMMAR-The diagra111, analysis, punctuation, transposition, abridging of sentences, inflections, composition, with suggestions ns to methods of presenting the subject of language, constitute the work. The text-book is Reed and Kellogg's. Elective in the Teacher's Course. Three hours a week throughout the year. 46. RHETORIC-The fundamental principles of rhetoric, supple– mented by English classics, are studied. The text-book is Brubaker and Snyder's. Required in the first year of the Preparatory Course. Four hou.rs a week throughout the year. 47. LITERATURE-Tho classics prescribed by the committee of colleges and secondary schools are studied. Required in the seeond year of the Preparatory Course. Four hours n week throughout the year. 48. IDSTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE-Chaucer, Bacon, Shakespeare, Milton, Dryden, Addison, Pope, Burns, Goldsmith, Johnson, Scott, Byron, Wordsworth and Tennyson are 11tudied. The text-book is Painter's. Required in the third yenr of the PTepnrntory Course. Four hours a week, first Bemester. 49. HISTORY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE-American author11 will form tho ba11is of this course. The text-book is Painter 's. Required in the third year of the Preparatory Course. Four hours a week, second semester. M . RHETORIC-Expre11sion of simple, fluent, and forcible English ie taught. A dotailed study of compo11ition in general, the paragraph, the sentence, words, and punctuation is given. The text-book is Linn's Essenti1. 1.ls of English Composition. Required of all C1.1.ndid1.1.tes for the bachelor's degrees. Three hours a week, first semester. 51- RHETORIC-Exposition, argumentation, description, 1.1.nd nar– ration nre taken up in detail. Linn '11 Essentials and Illustrative Ex– amples of English ' Composition are the text-books. Required of all eandid1.1.tes for the bachelor's degroe11. Three hours a. week, second seme11ter. 52. EXPOSITION-A careful study of expository writing is made. To tlie careful analysi11 of models of good writing, is added the imita– tion of their principles nf structure and style in themes upon subjects similar in method and type. The teJCt-book is Fulton's Expository \Vrit– ing. Elective for all those who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in English. Three hours a week, one semester. 53. ENGLISH POETRY-This course includes a study of verse structure and an an1.1.lysis of selected poem11; also a. critical study of the --