1916-1917 Academic Catalog

68. FRENCll PROSE OF THE ErGHTEENTil CENTURY-Selec– tions from Voltaire and Rousseau are read. Elective. Open to all who have had two years of _},'much. Three hours a week, one semester. 69. EARLIER PIWSE OP THE NINETEENTH CENTURY– Selections are rend from the works or Chateaubriand and Victor Hugo. Elective. Open to nil who h::we had two years or ·French. Three hours a week, one semester. 70. FRENCH POETRY-The work of this course consists of a careful study of typical 1''reneh lyrics. Elective. Open to all who have bad two years of French. Three hours a week, one semester. 71. DESCRJPTJVF.,-A thorough review of descriptive and political geography is aCl'on1panied by suggestions as to the proper methods of presenting the subjech. The text-book is Tarr and 1'fe1'furry'11. Elective in the Teachers' Re,·iew Course. Three hours a week, one 11emester. 72. PIIYSlCAL--A clear pre11entation of the elements of phy11ieal geography in recitations and informal, incidental lectures, ie tho aim of thi11 course. Tho text•book i11 Gilbert an(l Brigham •s. Required in the first year of the Preparatory Course. Four hours a week, first semester. GEOLOGY. l'Roi·ESSOn JOIIKAT. 73. GENERAL GEOLOGY-This course takes up tho differeut phases of the science as preS(lntod in dynamic geology with their applica– tion to historical geology. Field work is required. The text-book is Norton's. Elective. Three hours a week, one 11emester. GERMAN. 74. BEG1NNING-Constaot drill in inflection and 11yntax is given, and both oral and written work required. The text-book is Bacon's. Elective in the third year of the Preparatory Course and for collegiate students who have not presented German as an entrance requirement. Four houn a week throughout tho year. 75. READING AND COMPOSITION-The work consists of ea11y storiee and constant drill in composition and syntax. The text•book is Lange's Method. Required in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course of those who htn•e elected German in the third year. Elective for col· logiate students who have completed Beginning German. Four hours a week, one 11emeeter. ......,_