1916-1917 Academic Catalog

76. WILHELM TELL-The eouJ"se offers drill in poetry and study of the German drama. The text-book is Lambert's. Required in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course of those who have eleeted German in the third year. Elective for eollegiate students who have completed Beginning German. Four hours a week, one semester. 77. HEINE-Harzreise and poems are read, with a study of politie11 and soeiety. The text-book is Gregor's. Elective. Open to all who have bad two years of German. Three hours a week, one eemester. 78. SCIENTIFIC GERMAN-This is intended especially for those about to puraue professional courses. Elective. Open to all who have had two years of German. Throe boura a week, one semester. 79. HISTORY OF GERMAN LITERATURE-This course consish of a brief survey of German literature, with selections for translation. Elective. Open to all who have bad two years of German. Three hours a week, one semester. 80. NINETEENTH CENTURY GERMAN-Selections, prose and poetry, from nineteenth century writcra are studied. Elective. Open to all who have bad two years of German. Three hours a week, through– out the year. 81. GOETHE-Faust is read with a study of its philosophy and philology. The text-book is Thomas•. Elective. Open to all who have bad two years of German. Three hours a week, throughout the year. GREEB:. 82. BEGINNING--A systematic course is given in paradigms, rules, and exercises in translation. The text-book is Benner and Smyth's. Elective in the third year of the Preparatory Course and for collegiate students who have not presented Greek as an entrance requirement. Four hours a week throughout the year. 83. ANABASIS--Translation, eynta.x, composition, with historical references, constitute the work. The text-book is Murray's. Accom– panying the Anabasis, exercises are given in Greek prose composition. The text-book is Jones•. Required in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course of those who have elected Greek in the third year. Elective for -iollegiate students who have completed Beginning Greek. Four hours a week, first semester. 84. HOMER-Books I-VI, 11canning, mythology, and syntax are studied. The text-book is Seymour 's Iliad. One hour a week is devoted to the Greek New Testament. Required in the fourth year of the Pre-