1916-1917 Academic Catalog

paratory Coune of those who have elected Greek ;n the th;rd year. Elect;ve for collegiate students who have completed Beginning Greek. }'our hours a week, second semester. 8!5. GREEK NEW TESTAMENT-New Testament Grock, cm– phaai:,:ing peculiarities of form, and study in e1cgesis, together with rapid reading of various parts, will constitute the work. The text-book is ,vescott and Hort's. F.lective. Open to all who have had two years of Greek. Three hours a week, one semester. 86. HERODOTUS-Selections are read. Biography and history are studied. Peculiarities and syntax are dwelt upon. The text-book is Johnson's. Elective. Open to all wh' 'lave had two yean of Greek. Three hours a week, one semester. 81. MEMORABlLJA-The course is introductory to the study of Plato. Grammatical drill and history will be the leading features. The te;i:t.book is Winans'. Elective. Open to all who have had two years of Greek. Three hours a week, one semester. 88. PLATO-The Apology and Crito constitute the study of Socrates. Grecian philosophy is rc,•iewed. The text-book is Dyer's. Elective. Open to nil who have bad two years of Greek. Three hours a week, one semester. 89. AESCHYLUS-Prometheus Bound ia read. Elective. Open to all who have bad two years of Greek. Three hours a week, one semester. 90. SOPBOCLES-Oodipus Tyrannus is read. Elective. Open to all who have had two years of Greek. Three houre a week, one semester. 91. DEMOSTHENES-Tho Oration on the Crown is studied. Ora– tory, rhetoric, and argumentation are leading themes. Elect;ve. Open to all who have had two years of Greek. Three hours a week, throughout the year. HEBREW. PROFi:SS()R JURKAT. 92. BEGINNING-A thorough drill is given in etymology, syntax, and paradigms. The text-book is Davidson's. Elective. Five hours a week, £rat semester. 93. GENESIS-Grammatical drill ia continued. Parts of Genesis are read. The te1t-book is Davidson's. Elective. Five hours a week, se.,ond semester. msTORY. l'ROt•ESSOR JURKA.T. 94. ANCIENT-The work consists of a thorough drill in the Jcadi11g facts and instruction in methods of studying history. The te1t-book.8 are Myers' and Ledbetter's. Required in the second year of the Pre· paratory Course. Four hours a week, first semester. ---