1916-1917 Academic Catalog

95. .MEDIEVAL AND MODERN-Text-book study is supplemented by collateral reading. The text-books are .Myers' and Ledbetter 's. Required iu tbe second year of tbe Preparatory Course. Four hours a week, second semester. 96. ANCJ ENT-Ancient history is studied, closing with Louis XJY. The text-book is Robinson and Breasted 's, with collateral reading. Elec– tive for all who ha,·e uot taken the course as a part of the required work in history. Three hours a week, first semester. 97. MODEUN-.Modern history is pursued with especial emphasis on the French Revolution. The text-book is Robinson and Beard's, with collateral reading. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in history. 'J'hree hours a week, second semester. 98. COLONIAJ:,-Colonial history to the French and Indian War is stud.ied. The text-book is Fisher's Colonial Era. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in history. Three hours a week, one semester. 99. REVOLUTIONARY-This course completes the French and Jndian ,var and the American Revolution. The text-book is Sloane'a F rench \Var and American Revolution. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in history. Three hours a week, one aemester. 100. NATlONAL-The formation of the American Union and the history of the nation to Monroe's administration is studied. The text– book is Walker's Making of the Nation. Elective for alt who have not taken the course a!I a part of the required work in history. Three hours a week, one semester. 101. MIDDLE PERIOD-The period from Monroe's administration te the Civil War is studied. The text-book is Burgess's .Middle Period. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of tho required work in history. Three hours a week, one se111ester. 102. UNlTED STATES-A comprehensive review is taken of American history. The text-book is Muzzey's. Elective in the Teacher's Course. Three hours a week, throughout the year. LATIN. PRO~'ESSOR$ ALLEN. CRESWEl,L AN'D WHIGIIT AND Ml$$ ALLt:...._.. 103. BEGINNING-The course embraces pronunciation, paradigms, rules, translation of exercises, and the reading of short stories. The text-book is Pearson's Essentials. Required in the first year of the Preparatory Course. Jo'our hours a week throughout the year.